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Michelle Inciarrano - Tiny World Terrariums : A Step-by-Step Guide to Easily Contained Life PDF, EPUB, FB2


Michelle Inciarrano and Katy Maslow create terrariums in antique, vintage and new glass containers, apothecary jars, science glass, kitchenware and any off glass objects they find. But what makes their terrariums really special are the tiny worlds they create inside of the glass; a bride and groom on a mossy knoll, a CSI crime scene, or Central Park in Spring, using to-scale figurines and toys to create whimsical scenes. With this book, readers will be able to do the same. Tiny world Terrariums is an inspirational how-to-guide that chronicles the recent terrarium renaissance and presents, detailed, step-by-step instructions and photos on how to build moss, succulent and plant-based terrariums, including how to find usable glass containers, how to choose the best moss, soil and materials for filtration, how to choose plants and how to care for the terrarium once it is assembled. Also included are ideas for decorating the terrarium to create that tiny world feel. Fifty completed terrariums are featured in gorgeous, full-bleed photos the components of each are explained so readers can reproduce them exactly.Katy and Michelle run a successful terrarium company, where they teach frequent workshops and create finished terrariums and popular terrarium kits. It was the demand for their DIY kits that persuaded them to put their expertise in book form., Terrariums are a vibrant, unique way to inject a little greenery into any home. In Tiny World Terrariums , authors Katy and Michelle of Brooklyn's celebrated Twig Terrariums offer step-by-step instructions for building your own, from selecting glass containers to layering soil and filtration to adding moss, succulents, and other plants. To give each terrarium a whimsical, personal touch, Katy and Michelle demonstrate how to use tiny figurines and toys to create to-scale scenes, such as a couple at their wedding, a CSI crime scene, and Central Park in springtime. Photos of gorgeous finished terrariums and detailed instructions will empower anyone--whether green-thumbed or not--to create their own Lilliputian worlds. Praise for Tiny World Terrariums : "Terrariums have been popular with adults since Victorian times. But Katy Maslow and Michelle Inciarrano, authors of Tiny World Terrariums , make a case for younger enthusiasts too . . . Their enclosed gardens range from sophisticated to silly, with dinosaurs, unicorns and an array of other figurines telling enchanting stories in mossy tableaux. Their wonderful book provides detailed instructions to guide you through the process." -- Chicago Tribune "[The authors] provide all the information needed to create the five layers of a terrarium . . . inspiration for readers who want to make their own mini world." --Better Homes & Gardens Country Gardens (Spring 2013 issue) "I've been reading my fair share of how-to books on [terrariums] but I have a brand new favorite. Hands down . . . The tips on plant selection, preparation, and planting are the best I've seen (I learned a lot!)." "The book provides all the necessary instructions to create successfully healthy terrariums . . . But illustrations are the real delight. They show all sorts of tiny world photos labeled with container types, plant names, and more so you can more easily create contained life exactly as you envision it." "If you love terrariums as much as we do, this is going to rock your world: Brooklyn-based Twig Terrariums will be selling a photographic collection of their finest miniature green gardens . . . with a step-by-step guide to creating tiny themed worlds that even the least green-thumbed person will be able to make and maintain."

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