Marie Segovia - Make Me Alive Again : Death Is the Beginning download FB2, TXT, EPUB
9780988911512 English 0988911515 In the startling narrative of this non-fiction that will challenge the reader’s pre-conceived notions about life after death, Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been chronicled. The recently passed-over “Cat” (the nickname given to him, posthumously) finds himself not quite as deceased as he originally assumed he would be after – well, dying. His desire to bring this matter to the attention of the living began to be fulfilled when his energy somehow found itself with Kay – a woman whom he had never met in life, but who has now become his friend and confidante. Their lengthy discussions and the essays written entirely by Cat leave no subject untouched - from death, dying and spirituality to current affairs, business, family … and love. Now in a place that is still here but hidden from sight, Cat is forced to become introspective and turn his mind toward his spiritual growth. As each chapter unfolds, Cat’s spirit begins that journey with one step forward and two or three back as he struggles with his past. The subject matter is approached by the multi-faceted personality and myriad emotions that are Cat: mercurial, brilliant, fiery, creative, emotional, insecure and self-deprecating. Blunt and unfiltered, he leaves nothing out - neither of himself nor his insights of this world and the next. All of these communications are made through a simple spirit board and pendulum of Kay’s own design. The energy that is Cat’s swings the pendulum to each letter, swiftly spelling out words, sentences and whole works of his own. The indomitable spirit of Cat in this sassy account of the after-life will leave the reader with newfound hope and insightful elements of discovery on the one hand, and laughing on the other as Kay deals with the sometimes delightfully playful, sometimes despicable Cat as he wades through the murky waters of his old life, yet embracing his new existence with a new-found vigor and desire to carry on exactly where he left off., The startling narrative of this non-fiction book will challenge the reader's pre-conceived notions about life after death. Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been chronicled. "Cat," the recently passed over CEO of a Silicon Valley corporation finds himself not quite as deceased as he originally assumed he would be after - well, dying. His desire to bring this matter to the attention of the living began to be fulfilled when his energy somehow found itself with Kay - a woman he had never met in life, but with whom he found he could communicate with from beyond the grave. Their lengthy discussions and the essays written entirely by Cat leave no subject untouched - from death, dying and spirituality to current affairs, business, family ... and love. Now in a place that is still here but hidden from sight, Cat is forced to become introspective and turn his mind toward his spiritual growth. As each chapter unfolds, Cat's spirit begins that journey with one step forward and two or three back as he struggles with his past. The subject matter is approached by the multi-faceted personality and myriad emotions that are Cat: mercurial, brilliant, fiery, creative, emotional, insecure and self-deprecating. Blunt and unfiltered, he leaves nothing out - neither of himself nor his insights of this world and the next. All of these communications are made through a simple spirit board and pendulum of Kay's own design. The energy that is Cat's swings the pendulum to each letter, swiftly spelling out words, sentences and whole works of his own. The indomitable spirit of Cat in this sassy account of the after-life will leave the reader with newfound hope and insightful elements of discovery on the one hand, and laughing on the other as Kay deals with the sometimes delightfully playful, sometimes despicable Cat as he wades through the murky waters of his old life, yet embracing his new existence with a new-found vigor and desire to carry on exactly where he left off., The startling narrative of this non-fiction will challenge the readers pre-conceived notions about life after death. Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been...
9780988911512 English 0988911515 In the startling narrative of this non-fiction that will challenge the reader’s pre-conceived notions about life after death, Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been chronicled. The recently passed-over “Cat” (the nickname given to him, posthumously) finds himself not quite as deceased as he originally assumed he would be after – well, dying. His desire to bring this matter to the attention of the living began to be fulfilled when his energy somehow found itself with Kay – a woman whom he had never met in life, but who has now become his friend and confidante. Their lengthy discussions and the essays written entirely by Cat leave no subject untouched - from death, dying and spirituality to current affairs, business, family … and love. Now in a place that is still here but hidden from sight, Cat is forced to become introspective and turn his mind toward his spiritual growth. As each chapter unfolds, Cat’s spirit begins that journey with one step forward and two or three back as he struggles with his past. The subject matter is approached by the multi-faceted personality and myriad emotions that are Cat: mercurial, brilliant, fiery, creative, emotional, insecure and self-deprecating. Blunt and unfiltered, he leaves nothing out - neither of himself nor his insights of this world and the next. All of these communications are made through a simple spirit board and pendulum of Kay’s own design. The energy that is Cat’s swings the pendulum to each letter, swiftly spelling out words, sentences and whole works of his own. The indomitable spirit of Cat in this sassy account of the after-life will leave the reader with newfound hope and insightful elements of discovery on the one hand, and laughing on the other as Kay deals with the sometimes delightfully playful, sometimes despicable Cat as he wades through the murky waters of his old life, yet embracing his new existence with a new-found vigor and desire to carry on exactly where he left off., The startling narrative of this non-fiction book will challenge the reader's pre-conceived notions about life after death. Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been chronicled. "Cat," the recently passed over CEO of a Silicon Valley corporation finds himself not quite as deceased as he originally assumed he would be after - well, dying. His desire to bring this matter to the attention of the living began to be fulfilled when his energy somehow found itself with Kay - a woman he had never met in life, but with whom he found he could communicate with from beyond the grave. Their lengthy discussions and the essays written entirely by Cat leave no subject untouched - from death, dying and spirituality to current affairs, business, family ... and love. Now in a place that is still here but hidden from sight, Cat is forced to become introspective and turn his mind toward his spiritual growth. As each chapter unfolds, Cat's spirit begins that journey with one step forward and two or three back as he struggles with his past. The subject matter is approached by the multi-faceted personality and myriad emotions that are Cat: mercurial, brilliant, fiery, creative, emotional, insecure and self-deprecating. Blunt and unfiltered, he leaves nothing out - neither of himself nor his insights of this world and the next. All of these communications are made through a simple spirit board and pendulum of Kay's own design. The energy that is Cat's swings the pendulum to each letter, swiftly spelling out words, sentences and whole works of his own. The indomitable spirit of Cat in this sassy account of the after-life will leave the reader with newfound hope and insightful elements of discovery on the one hand, and laughing on the other as Kay deals with the sometimes delightfully playful, sometimes despicable Cat as he wades through the murky waters of his old life, yet embracing his new existence with a new-found vigor and desire to carry on exactly where he left off., The startling narrative of this non-fiction will challenge the readers pre-conceived notions about life after death. Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that have never before been...